Nature Happenings

  • June is Perennial Garden Month & National Rivers Month
  • Bird migration is finished. Birds that are here now are summer residents that nest.
  • As the month progresses, feeders can become busy with visiting parents and fledglings.
  • House Wrens are nesting in the northern part of region.
  • Keep your feeders and bird baths clean and your seed fresh.
  • Wood Duck and Mallard ducklings hatch and venture forth early in the month.
  • Canada Geese begin molting.
  • Fawns continue to be born through mid-month.
  • Bats give birth.
  • Young woodchucks and raccoons emerge and venture out with their mothers.
  • Bullfrogs begin calling.
  • Crickets begin nightly serenade.

And From Our Friends at UF IFAS

• Brown pelican and white ibis young are now visible in nests.
• Painted Buntings nest through summer in northeast Florida.
• It's breeding season for laughing gulls, least terns, oystercatchers, and black skimmers. They nest on spoil islands, undisturbed beaches, and even rooftops when their preferred habitat is    unavailable.
• Mockingbirds may attack pedestrians who wander too close to nesting sites

• The Southern Flying Squirrel is starting its breeding season.
• Red bats and Seminole bats give birth.

• It's the height of the Gopher Tortoise breeding season.

• Cicadas emerge from their underground growth period to begin making their classic summer sound.

• Snook begin moving into inlets and passes
• Migrating tarpon can be found almost anywhere in the Keys

• Tarflowers bloom in flatwoods