May Nature Happenings

Courtesy of UF Florida Wildlife Extension

Wildlife Happenings - July

Shorebird migration starts in mid-July, peaking in August.
Swallow-tailed kites begin gathering as do purple martins and tree swallows in preparation for migrating south for the winter.
Look for frigate birds flying overhead in south Florida.
Look out for nesting shorebirds, and keep your vehicles and dogs from disturbing them.

Later this month, young alligators and crocodiles will begin to hatch.

Mosquitoes and chiggers are abundant, so watch out while you're camping.

Baby raccoons, foxes, armadillos, possums, and bobcats leave dens and begin following parents
Deer mating season ion the everglades

Sea oats flower along the Atlantic
Scrub morning glory and butterfly weed begin to bloom